You finished your first surrogacy journey and you're ready to start a second one. Perhaps the family you carried for the first time wants a sibling journey or you were moved by another family's story and want to help again. Let's take a look at the differences between your first journey and second journey.

After finishing your first surrogacy journey you have learned a lot about surrogacy. You did your research and picked an agency, you went through the legal process, the matching process, you carried and delivered a healthy baby to an intended parent or couple and perhaps created a bond with them. You went through this process and now you have a referencing point for how you want your second journey to be. You are now considered an experienced GC (gestational carrier). You may be asking:
“Do I stay with the same agency. Do I want to help a local or an international couple?”
Most of these questions will be answered by how your first journey went. Perhaps the relationship you anticipated with your intended parents did not go as you imagined. Your idea of a close relationship was not the same as theirs. Or the agency you used did not meet your initial expectations and now you want to give another agency a try. Perhaps your journey exceeded what you imagined and now you want to recreate that experience.
Just remember that every pregnancy is different and every journey will be different as well.